Pink Pioneer Tomato Seeds
Tomato 'Pink Pioneer'
(80 days)

25 seeds   $3.00                   

Tomato 'Pink Pioneer' is a large, pink beefsteak with a delicious, well-balanced flavor. Three out of five people in our family prefer it over Brandywine. This beautiful tomato is crack-resistant and productive. We've had good reports from customers who have tried it. It's relatively early for a large tomato. The fruits often weigh one pound or more. Potato-leaf foliage.

Tomato 'Pink Pioneer' was introduced by Diane's Flower Seeds in 2005. Diane Linsley obtained the seeds from James M. Irvine, who had grown it for many years, selecting for large size. Mr. Irvine got his seeds from Ron Watts of Kaysville, Utah, who told Mr. Irvine that it was an old Utah heirloom. He called it Purple Passion, but Diane renamed it Pink Pioneer when she learned that the name Purple Passion was already taken by a black tomato on the market.

Sowing Tomato Seeds

Start tomato seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Sow 1/8" deep. Transplant outside 2 weeks after the last frost date. Full sun. Spacing 30-36".

Pink & Red Tomato Seeds

Tomato 'Pink Pioneer'