Leek American Flag Seeds
Leek 'American Flag'
(120-155 days)

1,000 seeds   $3.00

American Flag leek grows to 16" tall and has a mild, onion flavor that is great in salads, soups and stews. For best results, start the seeds indoors in early spring. As the plants grow, mound up soil or mulch around them to blanch the stalks. Allium porrum.

American heirloom, 1872.

Sowing Leek 'American Flag' Seeds

Start leek seeds indoors 2-3 months before the last frost date. Sow 1/4" deep. Transplant outside 1 week after the last frost. Plant deeply, 6" apart in rows spaced 16" apart. Full sun.

Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Leek 'American Flag'